Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Year of Projects Blog-a-Long: Update 0

Earlier this week I had the delight of discovering a Ravelry group called "Come Blog-A-Long with a Year of Projects." The idea is you write a list at the beginning of the year including all of the projects you're going to finish. It can be as long and complex or as short and sweet as you'd like. Every Sunday, the members of the group will blog their updates and post it on the Ravelry group for everyone else to enjoy, and every month will have a different thread there's one separate thread for the year to share your finished objects. It's a great way to hold yourself accountable and get some crafts done, to meet other fellow yarn addicts, and as a bonus get some extra traffic on your blog!

Oh, and the quirk? The year begins July first. That means YOU can be just as thrilled as I am at getting to start this adventure with a full calendar year. Look at your yarn stash that needs busting, your pattern book you never opened, or your Ravelry queue and start making your list for the year. The first weekly blogs will be June 30th - July 6th, and but I'm still finishing up my list before I share!

Oh yeah, I also made that cute little banner and a matching square version for the sidebar. I posted it in the Ravelry group so anyone else can use it if they'd like.


  1. Welcome to the group Katelyn, hope you enjoy the year. Love the banner and button, very stylish and I look forward to seeing your list next week.

  2. Welcome to the group. Can't wait to see your list as well. It's fun to see what everyone else is up to ... unless of course all that temptation gives you start-itis and throws you off your own list :) Or maybe that's half the fun?

  3. Welcome to the group! First of all, love the banner. Secondly, I look forward to seeing what projects you'll be doing for the upcoming year.

  4. This is my first year as well. I love the banner and look forward to seeing your list.

  5. Welcome! This is my second year and I just loved last year! But I must admit I "over-committed" so I'm going to be a little more general this year so I don't hem myself in. You will love this group! I can't wait to see your list...mine's not done yet either. TTYL!

  6. Your About page was fierce and chic. Great hooked mitts. It will be fun to read about your crochet projects in this YOP.

  7. Welcome to our fun "little" group! I look forward to seeing your list and want to thank you for sharing your banner/buttons with the rest of us. The colors match the tone of my blog perfectly!

  8. Welcome to the group, Ive been here since the beginning and its great! Look forward to seeing your list.

  9. Thanks for all the warm welcomes! I can't wait to get to know everyone better and see what you're making.


Say hi, I'd love to hear your thoughts!